Dr. Daniela Moehle
Daniela Moehle is a passionate facilitator. She is a highly experienced Coach & Counselor who has specialized in helping people reach their full potential by inspiring them to bring out the best in themselves. Especially in high-pressure situations where high-performance is of the essence.
​Academic Degrees:
​Doctoral degree in Business from the Vienna University of Economics and Business (International Taxation / Cross-border Mergers and Acquisitions)
M.A. in Business from the Vienna University of Applied Sciences FHW
B.Sc. in Nutritional Sciences from the University of Vienna
Professional Licenses:
Registered Nutritionist (Austria)
Registered Psychological Counselor & Coach (Austria)
Tax Strategist & C.P.A. (Austria; professional license currently dormant)
Licensed NLP Coaching Trainer™
Licensed Trainer of NLP™
Licensed NLP Business Coach™
Licensed Advanced Master Practitioner of NLP™
Licensed Master Practitioner of NLP™
Licensed Practitioner of NLP™
In the field of nutrition Dr. Moehle is specialized in functional nutrition, sports nutrition, and life-style modifications. She has additional education in Sports and Exercise Science from the German Sport University Cologne.
As a psychological counselor and coach Dr. Moehle has over 25 years of in-depth experience in various psychotherapy approaches (Gestalt Therapy, Guided Affective Imagery (KIP), CBT, Bioenergetic Therapy, Body- Psychotherapy - EABP, and Systemic Therapy), and NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) - always searching for the best tools each school has to offer so she can help her clients in the most effective long-lasting way as easily and as fast as possible. She is also a certified DBT-Skillstrainer (Dialectical Behavior Therapy) and a Specialist Practitioner in Neuro-Hypnotic Repatterning™ (Society of NLP).
Dr. Moehle obtained all her NLP credentials from the Society of NLP and was trained in all courses directly by the co-creator of NLP himself, Dr. Richard Bandler, alongside John and Kathleen La Valle, and Prof. Dr. Alessio Roberti. She is also a valuable member of the trainer assistant team for Dr. Richard Bandler and John La Valle's events around the world.
Daniela Moehle has almost three decades of experience working in high-pressure environments, providing trainings in the corporate world and working for global organizations.
Sportswise Daniela Moehle is a 13-time Ironman® finisher with racing the Ironman® World Championship on HawaiÊ»i twice. Currently she is fascinated by racing 100-mile Ultraruns around the globe.
Change can be fast and easy - if you know how.