Dr. Daniela Moehle
Dr. Moehle guides clients who want to enhance their performance and take their life to the next level in business, sports, or life in general.
For some clients this may mean providing them with scientific knowledge in the field of nutrition. For others it may involve showing them ways to gain access to their inner potential to reach their desired goals. It is the client’s choice which path to take.
High Performance Coaching
Excelling at special events (e.g. races, tournaments, exams, interviews, giving presentations, etc.)
Thriving in high-pressure environments
Unlocking your inner potential
Increasing your self confidence
Increasing the ability to focus and concentrate
Dealing with situations that cause unwanted feelings or tension
Resolving conflicts on the inside and/or outside
Stressmanagement - mitigating feeling rushed, exhausted, relentless, scattered, empty; challenged to find your inner peace and relax
Obtaining the feeling of being whole as a person
Discovering what you really want out of life and getting more out it - becoming aware that this life is not a rehearsal - it is happening NOW
Discovering the path to following your life's dreams
Being able to perform at a high level in the long run in a healthy sustainable fulfilling and happy way
Nutrition Coaching
Performance enhancing nutrition
Sports nutrition
Functional nutrition
Changing eating habits
Changing body composition
Body weight loss or gain
Adopting a new diet (e.g. vegetarian, vegan, etc)
Lifestyle modifications
Healthy living
Just imagine changing fast and easily...how will it feel when you reach your dreams...
Daniela Moehle offers her coaching online or in person in the form of
- one-on-one coaching sessions for individuals
- workshops for groups
- coaching programs for organizations that are tailored to the organization's and their employees' needs.